Remember that a mission statement explains why your organization exists. It is a foundational element of your plan that establishes your core purpose and who you serve!
While there is much more that needs to be done to correct the barriers facing trans people, there is some cause for optimism that things may be changing: trans people are more likely to report having been promoted in the past year than cisgender people (25 percent frente a 14 percent).
When you do link to one of your pages, make sure that it actually complements the post you’re commenting on and that you explain why you’re sharing that particular link.
Diferente content helps position your business Triunfador an industry thought leader and build your brand. Your business’s content strategy Gozque include anything your customers might find relevant or interesting—don’t limit yourself to content that includes or focuses on your products.
Search engines show a page’s title tag on their results page for search queries. Together with the meta description, this copy is the only surface that influences whether a user clicks on your website from a search engine results page. That makes your pages’ title tags important.
Long-tail keywords, which capture more detailed or specific search queries, are easier to rank for and usually get clicks from search engines at a higher rate than shorter, more generic terms.
And so we wanted to dig in and understand, both from a survey and also from stories, anecdotes, and experiences of LGBTQ+ leaders, about the challenges that employees face—so that we could understand and help to address those challenges and help to shape the way organizations and leaders think about this segment of their employees and how to support them.
They’re very careful when they spend money, and they’re going to insist on getting the most bang for their buck.
Maital Guttman: Thank you, thank you. And in a workplace, in places like McKinsey—McKinsey is not the only place; it’s almost become table stakes for many of the large Fortune 500 companies that you need to be inclusive and that they are celebrating their LGBTQ+ folks.
Hulu: “To help people find and enjoy the world’s premium video content when, where and how they want it.”
— My husband always looks for the best bang for the buck so I hate shopping with him. I don't like spending the whole day shopping. If I see something l like I just buy it.
In the previous example, the main body of the query is very simple, with the complexity hidden in the WITH clause.
Next on the SEO checklist for your website is building a keyword strategy. Because they’re easier to identify, it’s tempting to target short, high-volume search terms. But you might be missing out on page views 20% more traffic in 60 days if you’re not looking at long-tail keywords.
I like that it’s an active verb, because it is a process. And so, for some of our folks, they might not yet be demodé yet to their families.